Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?
Platform: Alexa + Google Assistant
Release: 2018
Role: Writer + QA Tester
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? for Alexa and Google Assistant is a trivia game based of the hit syndicated game show. Each day player can answer 15 new trivia questions and compete in a nationwide leaderboard. This was the first game on Alexa to include in-game consumables, which allowed player purchase lifelines to assist in the progress up the money tree.
Wrote game script which included speech for game results, leaderboards, achievements, upsells, and tutorials.
Designed test plan and tested build from development through certification to release.
Ran playtests, gathered data, and revised game script and user flow based on feedback.
Implemented VO, SFXs, and visual assets into game database.
Directed voice talent - TV Host Chris Harrison